We are happy to announce our latest software release. After a year of extensive development we have increased the capacity of our forest analysis software in several areas.
- Strengthened AI
- Updated plant (seedling) inventory
- Updated species inventory
- Updated size class recognition
- Updated multi damage recognition (storm felled trees, barch beetle infestation)
- Strengthened Semi supervised machine learning
- Self organized systems data clustering
- Strengthened calculations (individual trees and aggregated stands with species separation)
- New height model
- New canopy models (species specific)
- New stem models (species specific)
- New volume calculations (species specific)
- Canopy coverage
- Ground surface
- CO2-binding
- Natural stand delineation
- Strengthened automation
- Scalability
- Orthophoto generation
- DTM/DSM generation
- Stand delineation and automatic selection of AI models
- Reports
- GIS layer exports

Congratulations to our development team for excellent work and excellent results!
Written by: Roger Öhlund, founder and CSO.