Conifer Vision is attending Forest Day at the Grand Hotel in Stockholm on February 8th.
If you'd like to meet us, please contact us through our website so we can arrange a meeting.
Forest Day has been a successful event for several years, receiving high ratings in evaluations. The day is organized in collaboration between the Forest Technology Cluster, the County Administrative Board of Västerbotten, SLU, and Umeå University, with the aim of strengthening knowledge and drive within the forestry sector.
On February 8th, Forest Day returns to the Grand Hotel to continue the conversation about forests. They will build on previous transitions in forestry and then look ahead with a focus on solutions.
We are in the midst of great challenges that require wise solutions and collective actions. This is particularly true for forests, where demands are greater than ever. It requires that all usage goals are integrated and considered simultaneously, which places new demands on decision support, forest management methods, and technical solutions. How do we solve the energy issue, raw material needs, carbon storage, biodiversity? Listen to representatives from politics, business, forest owners, and other stakeholders on February 8th, 2024.
For more information, please feel free to contact us.
Written by: Roger Öhlund, founder and CSO.