Earlier this year, Conifer Vision was nominated for Ny Teknik's startup list "the 33-list".
The editorial jury is now in the process of examining all the proposed companies. This work will continue until October, and the complete list will be presented on November 16, 2023.
The editorial jury reviews several hundred young Swedish companies to find those we consider to be Sweden's 33 best tech startups of 2023. During this process, many are eliminated, for example, due to formal reasons (not meeting the criteria) or because the jury believes the company has not progressed far enough in its development.
"Ny Teknik is passionate about innovative technological development, which often occurs in young tech companies. We are certain of this because we have examined thousands of startups since the 33-list began in 2008, and many have become great successes. We want to highlight the most exciting young tech companies for our readers because the entrepreneurs deserve it, but also because these young tech companies are important for our future business landscape. It's no coincidence that the world's largest companies started in garages just a few decades ago. It will happen again, and hopefully in Sweden."
- Thomas Peterssohn, Editor-in-Chief
Written by: Roger Öhlund, founder and CSO.